English pages are added to the Raitclub website.
Who appreciates English translations for a website whose visitors are on their way to develop their English?
There are several reasons.

– Asterisks (*) indicate that their details and references are available below.

First, our learners might use the English translations for easy reference because our website is to assist learners who will thrive in the real world with their English skills.

Raitclub representative’s personal attachment to the internet is another reason. To live in the internet world, English should be necessary as a passport. English is used by more than 60% [*1] of all the websites.

Following two reasons are also important.

Easier reading for worldwide learners with our Sentence Structure Diagrams

According to British Council, over 1.5 billion people are learning English worldwide.

Sentence Structure Diagrams, one of our major tools for efficient learning, are useful for all English learners.
No matter what their first language is, the diagrams contribute to learners’ efficient understanding of sentence structure. The diagrams use signs instead of words to make sentence structure visible and clear.

We have to note that the ‘check for the meaning’ part has to be tailored to a learner’s first language.
Of course the diagrams are useful without that part.

Hope this tool can be of any help for English learners all over the world.

Data (some are just expert’s quotes) :

*1 Percentages of websites using various content languages (Sep. 7, 2021):
1. English: 62.4%,
2. Russia: 7.5%,
7. Japanese: 1.9%

Source: w3techs

*2-1 Number of people learning English worldwide: 1.5 billion

Source: British Council

*2-2 Number of Japan’s English learners over 10 years old: approx. 13.5 million
Voluntarily leaning only. i.e. excluding learning activity as a student

Source: “Survey on time use and leisure activities Heisei 28 (2016) by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications https://www.stat.go.jp/data/shakai/2016/pdf/gaiyou.pdf
Calculated as 11.9% (Proportion of learners) * 113.3 million (Population)

Vocabulary building for Japanese language learners with our STEM-Plus Content

Japanese is popular among language learners. It’s the 6th most studied language on Duolingo and as many as four million people are learning the language.

STEM-Plus Content, another effective English learning tool we have been providing, can also help build Japanese language vocabulary.
The content’s benefit of learning words with actual feeling and enhanced opportunity to use them just stays the same.

We have to note that some understanding in English and familiarity with topic, such as math, are desirable for maximum efficiency.


*3 Most popular languages studied on Duolingo:
1. English,
2. Spanish,
6. Japanese

Source: Duolingo

*4 Number of Japanese language learners: 3.85 million

Source: Japan Foundation


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Right now, some pages and sections are not translated yet.

Following pages are good examples of our efficient learning tools.

Hope this page can be of any help for English learners all over the world.