Common Test for University Admissions

This page shows Sentence Structure Diagram examples.
Sentences are chosen from the Common Test for University Admissions in Japan.
Sentence Structure Diagrams strongly assist English learners’ efficient learning.

Test on Jan. 30th, 2021

From Question A of Part 6

The RSC’s decision to reflect diversity in the summer 2019 season can be seen as a new model for arts organizations hoping to make their organization inclusive.
Sentence structure diagram: "The RSC’s decision to reflect diversity in the summer 2019 season can be seen as a new model for arts organizations hoping to make their organization inclusive."

Meaning (in Japanese)

While there are some who are reluctant to accept diversity in classic plays, others welcome it with open arms.
Sentence structure diagram: "While there are some who are reluctant to accept diversity in classic plays, others welcome it with open arms."

Meaning (in Japanese)

Although certain challenges remain, the RSC has earned its reputation as the face of progress.
Sentence structure diagram: "Although certain challenges remain, the RSC has earned its reputation as the face of progress."

Meaning (in Japanese)

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